If you’re a creative entrepreneur who just recently started your own business, then chances are, you’ve come across the word branding more than once or twice. In general terms, branding is the overall impression or impact that people have of your company, its products, and services. How do people perceive your business? More than the visual representation of the logo, font, and colors you choose, your brand is what helps to set expectations for your customers. And, if done right, your brand can set you apart from your competitors as well. 

As creative entrepreneurs, we have all had our share of branding hits and misses. In my experience, there are three common branding myths we all need to know: 

Myth 1: My Brand Should be for Everyone.
By trying to serve everyone, you will eventually end up serving no one. First things, first—identify your niche in the market. Who is your ideal client? What interests them? What do they value? Knowing the profile and personality of your target market helps you to develop a brand strategy that is consistent with the products and services you offer thus allows you to make meaningful connections with your people. 

Myth 2: My Brand Should be About Me.
To some extent, creating a brand that reflects your personality and interests allows you to remain authentic and true to yourself. However, by doing so, you might miss out on an important factor altogether — your clients. On top of having the expected “standard in your field” as a basic consideration in your brand strategy, achieving a balance of what you love and what your ideal clients love should be your goal. Through this, you would be able to tell a story that both you and your ideal clients can relate to. Furthermore, once you are able to establish meaningful relationships with your ideal clients, they would naturally want to know more about you and eventually avail of the products and services you offer.  

Myth 3: My Brand Should Remain Constant and Unchanging.
Nothing is ever set in stone, so don’t feel pressured to have it right on your first try, or to stick to a brand strategy that no longer serves your needs. As the saying goes, the only thing constant is change. The brand you have now, may not be the same in a few years’ time, and that’s perfectly okay. Just as your business is expected to grow and change over time, naturally, so will your brand. It is expected to evolve over time, in keeping with the changes that come when you update your overall aesthetic, products, services, and business goals. 

When you think about it, clients are not what they used to be. They are more inclined to do their research before doing business with you. More importantly, they would opt to do business with someone who is credible, who they can connect with and relate to. Simply putting your products and services out there is no longer enough. 

While some would opt to prioritize their products and services and let their brand strategy take a back seat, I’d like to highlight that both are equally important and work hand in hand with each other. Not sure where to start? That’s perfectly fine! Nobody started out in their journey as branding experts, and it doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. If you’re a creative entrepreneur who’d like to learn more about branding, explore the benefits of having a website, and whether it’s time for you to have one, leave me a message! I would love to help you in any way I can.